
Exploring God’s World

Preschool is a time of dramatic growth in the life of a young child. During the years from ages 3-5 a child’s physical, social, language and cognitive abilities are changing weekly. Typically developing preschoolers do not grow in each area uniformly or at the same pace. Rather than simply memorizing facts and fill out worksheets, it is imperative for preschoolers to have rich, high-interest social experiences that intentionally integrate literacy, math and open-ended cognitive challenges. Our preschool classrooms promote optimal whole-brain development and help children “learn how to learn,” a disposition that research suggests leads to positive academic success and mental health in adolescence and beyond.

Full day 3-year-old students will have a nap time while older students staying for full-day preschool will enjoy a relaxed, afternoon program with additional opportunities for social play, art and sensory exploration and outdoor fun. Students will practice and apply their growing skills through play and collaborative investigations.

PK3 or PK4
  • MWF or M-F
  • 8:20-11:30 AM or 8:20 AM-3:10 PM
  • TTh
  • 8:20-11:20 AM or 8:20 AM-3:10 PM
Supplemental Programs
  • Lunch Bunch – available MWF, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
  • After Care – available M-F, 3:10-5:45 PM