Engaging Curriculum

Our Middle School classrooms are filled with energy and warmth, with students developing organizational and study skills necessary for high school and beyond. The school day includes language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, Bible, physical education, and various exploratory courses (including technology and required performing arts). CHA utilizes a hybrid block schedule structured to build “non-routine cognitive” skills proven helpful in today’s world in addition to traditional educational methodology. 

For a look at the overarching curricular scope and sequence at CHA, please download our Abridged Curriculum Guide.

Cultivating Spiritual Growth

Our Living Curriculum teachers guide students during these formational years by modeling an authentic walk with Christ. As they acquire new skills and knowledge, Middle School students are encouraged in personal growth and maturity in their faith. A weekly chapel service allows for student-led worship and engaging topics by guest speakers. In addition, students meet in small groups for weekly mentoring by a faculty or staff member (boys with a male mentor and girls with a female mentor). These times of conversation, prayer lead to deepened relationships and spiritual growth.

Parent Partnership

We partner with parents to help students understand the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social changes that occur during the preteen through early teen years. We believe in guiding students through this time in their lives by challenging them to seek biblical answers and choices.

Leadership and Service

We seek to challenge students to develop the gifts the Lord has given them, so they might serve Him and be role models to others. There are many opportunities for middle schoolers to learn and grow in this way, including: 

  • Participation in the weekly Middle School chapel service, whether joining the worship team, sharing a testimony, or presenting a topic as a group
  • Involvement in CHA’s dedicated week of service learning, called GO! Week, where students explore issues facing people in Chicagoland, such as homelessness, disabilities, and refugee resettlement, and then partner with local ministries who are helping to address these issues
  • Serving students in younger grades at CHA, through classroom assistance

Field Learning Opportunities

Field trips and overnight trips enrich studies in science, history, and social studies. These trips are not only excellent educational opportunities, they also help students grow in independence, responsibility, and interpersonal relationships! Signature field trips include:

  • Trees for Tomorrow in Eagle River, Wisconsin (6th Grade)
  • Springfield, Illinois (7th Grade)
  • Washington, DC (8th Grade)

    Exploratories and Co-curricular Activities

    To enhance the Middle School academic experience, students take required exploratory and performing arts courses, including:

    • STEM classes
    • Statistics
    • Art
    • Theater
    • Music - Vocal and Instrumental
    • Communications

    Optional co-curricular activities are available outside of school-day hours, including:

    • Athletics - Basketball, Soccer, Track and Volleyball
    • Middle School Theater production

    My son said that before CHA he went to school with a light backpack and a heavy heart but now he has a heavy backpack and a light heart.

    Crystal Z., CHA Parent