By the time a student crosses the stage at Commencement, our hope and prayer is that—as fruit bearers—they have already begun impacting the kingdom through excellence in character, scholarship, service, and leadership.

For the vast majority of our students, a college education comes next, and we are here to provide guidance through each step of the college planning and application process. Building relationships with students to understand and appreciate each one’s spiritual gifts, interests, and academic strengths is key to successful planning. A huge benefit of being at a school where students are known is the amazing and personal college recommendations our faculty are able to write!

As our students navigate college and career planning with support from counselors and parents, they will grow in confidence in how God has uniquely designed them and may be leading them regarding their future.

Click through the cards for our College Countdown Checklist.

Program Highlights

Guidance counseling for our Upper School students includes the following:

  • Interest and skill assessments
  • Career exploration/planning for Juniors and Seniors
  • Senior capstone course
  • College search insights for Sophomores and Juniors
  • College financial aid
  • PSAT Prep (Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors)
  • AP testing (across all US grades)
  • College fair and visits from college representatives
  • College guidance class (Juniors)
  • Personal counseling

By the Numbers

Additional Resources

College Matriculations

Wheaton College

Wheaton College

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University of Michigan

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Baylor University

Geneva College

Olivet Nazarene University

Northwestern University

Indiana Wesleyan University

Meet the Team