General Illness Protocol
Student Illness
We ask that parents use caution and discretion in sending a child to school when illness is suspected due to close proximity of other students. Thank you for your partnership in maintaining a healthy school by keeping ill children at home.
To attend school, student must meet the following symptom requirements:
- Fever free (less than 100.4) without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours
- Vomit-free for 24 hours
- Diarrhea-free for 24 hours
- Able to keep up with school activities (lethargy can be an indicator of increasing illness, especially in younger children)
In addition to fever, vomiting and diarrhea, students exhibiting the following symptoms must be kept home until well:
- Severe coughing, sore throat, or difficulty swallowing (i.e. symptoms of strep, bronchitis, etc)
- Swollen lymph nodes in neck
- Undiagnosed rash that is not mild
- Student may return to school with a doctor’s note that rash is not contagious
- Colored discharge/secretions from eyes(ie: suspected pink eye), ears, or nose
- Student may return to school when discharge is clear or has been on antibiotics for 24 hours, according to doctor’s instructions;
- Evidence of head lice
- Evidence of a contagious or communicable disease (symptom requirements above must be met in addition to the following):
- Pink eye (Conjunctivitis): Stay home until on antibiotics for 24 hours or until eyes are no longer pink and having discharge
- Strep Throat (Group A Strep): Stay home until on antibiotics for 24 hours (12 hours if amoxicillin)
- COVID Positive: Stay home for 5 full days (day of symptom onset or date of positive test is Day 0)
- Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD): Stay home until students no longer have mouth sore and excessive drool/secretions
- For other illnesses, please email
Absence Reporting
Parents should report all absences by emailing both frontdesk@christianheritage.
A student who is home from school due to illness is not eligible that day to participate in field trips or extra-curricular activities, including practice, games, concerts or performances.
Required Doctor's Note
- Students who are absent due to illness for three or more days must submit a doctor’s note stating the reason for their absence.
- A doctor’s note must be sent to the homeroom teacher and school nurse if a child is recovering and cannot go to recess. In general, if a child is too sick to go outside, he is too sick to be at school.
- A doctor’s note is required for students to be taken out of physical education class for three or more days and/or if other accommodations are needed (allowing more time during passing periods, elevator usage, etc).
- A Medication Administration Form must be completed if medication is prescribed for the student to take during the school day. See the Medications section below for guidelines.
Student Health Requirements
CHA is a recognized school by the State of Illinois so all state health requirements must be met. To be in compliance, all required student health forms must be completed, signed, and uploaded via the Magnus Health button in your Veracross Parent Portal by the day after Labor Day. Students not in compliance with health requirements will be excluded from school until the necessary forms are completed and turned in (ILCS 27-8.1).
New for 2024-25: Doctor appointments for required vaccines after the deadline will no longer be an acceptable form to avoid school exclusion, per ISBE. All required vaccines must be given, documented and submitted in Magnus by the deadline. We strongly recommend summer medical appointments to assure your student is cleared to be in school!
Click on the navy buttons to see what health forms are needed, and the gold button for access to the forms themselves. All of this information is available through the Magnus Health Portal, as well.
New documents are not required for returning students in Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, or 11 who:
- have complete health records on file,
- do not have special medical conditions,
- and are not participating in Middle or Upper School Athletics at CHA.
Student Medications
If your student is requesting to carry their own emergency medication (Epipen, inhaler, etc), needs to take prescription medication or would like the option to receive over the counter medication during the school day, please complete our newly combined Medication Administration Form.
- Both licensing prescriber/doctor and parent signatures are required.
- Forms need to be completed each school year.
- Prior Over the Counter Medication Forms within 5 years of the signature date will continue to be honored.
“Nut-Aware” School
With consideration for individuals that may have a nut allergy, CHA is a “nut-aware” school. This means that we, as a school community, strive to minimize the risks by following our Nut-Aware Guidelines. All students and families are asked to comply throughout the school year.
Please note that no homemade food items may be brought for classroom/school events. Here is a helpful Food List for a Nut-Aware Environment.
Jenny Chan, BSN, RN
CHA School Nurse
About Health Services
The CHA Health Services department collaborates with faculty, staff, social work and parents to promote student health and in-class learning.
In addition, Health Services manages and documents:
- daily student health needs that require medical attention
- medical emergencies
- special medical considerations (allergies, asthma, seizures, diabetes, etc.)
- medication administration
- communicable disease transmission per the Department of Public Health and communicating information to parents as required
- illness-related absences
- ISBE required medical records and immunization data
- annual Vision and Hearing Screens
- forms required for athletic participation in CHA sports
- student accommodations in regards to illnesses and injuries
Questions? Contact Health Services.