This past week, many of us were shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Dr. David Roth, one of CHA’s key leaders during its 40-year history. David did significant work at CHA, coming out of retirement after a long career at Wheaton Academy to, at the request of CHA’s Board, begin CHA’s Upper School. At the time, CHA was a PK-8 school. He would ultimately also serve as CHA’s Chief Education Officer (Head of School) for six years.
More than this, however, I will remember David for his unceasing dedication to the "soul of the school." Through prayer, encouragement, and exhortation, David’s mission has always been clear: keep Jesus at the middle of Christian education.
Our current Middle and Upper School Principal, Adelaide Yoo, once told me that during her application process to CHA, years ago as an English teacher, she was having doubts about whether or not CHA was the right fit…until she met Dr. Roth. It was his clear conviction and focused dedication to this mission that won her over — and inspired her to pursue the same mission at CHA, which she continues to do today.
This convocation was obvious to me as well when I first met David at a CHA concert during my first months at the school. Joan Okamoto, our Early Ed and Lower School Principal, came up to me just before the concert began, saying, "There is someone you have to meet!" She led me to David, who was seated inconspicuously in the back of the auditorium, in the darkness and not wanting to be noticed, with a broad smile on his face. I was surprised that a former Head of School of his age wasn’t off enjoying retirement somewhere. Instead, here he was, at a concert during COVID, seeing how the school was doing and, more than anything, wanting to understand that this new principal shared his same convictions for keeping Jesus as the focus.
After our first meeting, David frequently emailed to let me know that he was behind me. To be clear, I am by no means the only one to receive these types of emails from David — with his familiar and favorite salutation, and often accompanied with a picture of the prayer card that many of us have on our desks or taped to our computer monitors as a reminder.
I am on my prayer patio using my understanding of what mountain you may need moved, plus I'm relying on the intercession of Jesus himself. I prayed for you by name. Be encouraged. —David L. Roth
I bumped into David again in the summer of 2022, at a CHA alumni gathering at a park in Palatine (pictured below), just before I became the Head of School. It was a treasure to hear his perspective on CHA and stories from his tenure as a school leader at Wheaton Academy. But again, his core concern was clear as day: keep Jesus at the center of CHA.
This wasn’t a one-time reminder. David emailed me and my leadership team regularly—for prayer requests, for updates, or simply to offer encouragement. I saw David again and again — at concerts, at alumni gatherings, at our 40th Anniversary Celebration this past October, and at Friday men’s prayer, where he was a faithful attendee every week.
Truly, we could all learn from his persistent missional commitment; it’s one of the key ingredients of a life well-lived.
Even after his passing, may we also continue this legacy that David helped perpetuate at CHA — one that is centered on Jesus Christ. David centered his life and ministry on Jesus first and foremost through prayer. Today, I encourage you to follow his example by taking the time to pray this prayer that David often prayed — and shared with many:
Dear Jesus,
I love you.
Forgive me.
Guard my heart.
Guard my tongue.
Take captive every thought.
Humble me.
Teach me to pray.
Teach me servant leadership.
Fill me with your Holy Spirit.
Give me mustard seed faith.