In my last communication I discussed Part One of our school theme of Whatever You Do: doing everything—not just some things—for Jesus. The focus was on the word whatever. Here I’d like to focus our attention on whatever we do.
Let’s recall what Paul writes in Colossians 3:17.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
The implication in Paul’s language here is not only that all we do is done in Jesus; it’s also that we are using our words and our deeds for His glory. The previous verses (v 1-17) are filled with action:
- set your minds on things that are above
- be renewed in your knowledge
- put on compassion, humility, meekness, and patience
- bear with one another
- forgive
- love one another
- teach
- admonish
- even sing!
While rest, solitude, and prayer are never things that should be neglected, followers of Jesus are also people of action.
The pandemic that affected the last two school years put a massive damper on our ability as a school community to be engaged with the CHA family. But this year my hope is that we can see a major change here: we all need to be more active participants in what CHA is all about.
This has been my challenge to our faculty. Desks no longer need to be in rows. We no longer need to be socially distanced. We now have a little bit of extra margin for creativity and collaboration. How can we take collaborative, project-based learning to the next level?
This has also been my challenge to our students. This summer I hosted our Upper School Student Council at our home in Libertyville for a planning meeting. At the Upper School retreat, students began the process of recruiting others for StuCo working committees and student clubs. How can our students take more ownership in building the culture of our school?
This is also my challenge to you: what role can you play, whether with your time, talents, or treasure—your words and deeds, if you will—to engage with the educational project at CHA? How can you partner with us to rediscover the incredible community for which CHA is famous?
Let’s challenge each other—and challenge our children—to resist the temptation of the easier, more protective path. Rather, let’s “stir up one another to love and good works” as the inspired author of Hebrews commands us to do! What can your son or daughter do at CHA to grow, through words or deeds, in his or her faith? What can you do?